My LIfe at f/22: Quorum of the Seventy

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Quorum of the Seventy

While covering the LDS semiannual general conference Sunday morning, I noticed that a few members of the Quorum of the Seventy were catching a few zzz's while President Gordon B. Hinckley was speaking. I guess they thought since the lights were low on them, they could rest their eyes for a few minutes and no one would notice.

In the above picture, President Hinckley is speaking at the bottom of the frame and the massive pipe organ is in the background. The black void in the middle is where the Quorum is sitting. The lights were very dim, so I had to shoot at a 1/25th with the 600mm lens on a monopod.


Blogger Shane Bevel said...

Now thats good stuff.

10:40 PM  

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