My LIfe at f/22: Carole Alden

Monday, January 08, 2007

Carole Alden

On Monday, I had my first experience shooting inside of a courtroom as the Judge allowed one still camera to document the preliminary hearing of Carole Alden. Alden is accused of shooting and killing her husband Martin Sessions on July 28 at their home outside Delta, then dragging his body out of their trailer by tying Sessions' body to her Jeep.

The day after the shooting, Alden turned herself into the police and confessed to the murder. Alden's defense attorney argued that Sessions was both physically and mentally abusive towards his wife-to the point where Alden feared for her own life.

Witnesses from the Millard County Sheriff's Office described a contentious relationship between the couple. Cops had responded to the home on multiple occasions for reports of domestic disturbances and Sessions once pleaded guilty to a citation for assault and domestic violence.

The most disturbing abuse was the claim that Sessions pierced Alden's genitalia in order to fasten her with a chastity belt-complete with lock and key. When this was being discussed, Alden, who up to this point had been calm and stoic, broke down and began to weep on the desk.

Under Utah law, Alden could claim she killed Sessions in self-defense, which could result in a not-guilty verdict, or could claim Alden acted while suffering from emotional distress or mental illness.

The trial is scheduled to begin on June 6 and Alden remains in the Millard County jail in lieu of $150,000 bail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful work. I know the woman accused, and you have captured her humanity beautifully.

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these really are beautiful images of my mother in such an ugly time.

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I read about this case, carole is very brave, and did humanity a good deed by killing her husband (a psychopath).

6:25 PM  
Blogger Kate Coe said...

She's a helluva actress.

12:10 PM  

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