My LIfe at f/22: Facing East

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Facing East

Here is a portrait of the actors in a play called "Facing East." This play will premier in Salt lake and tells the story of Mormon parents after the funeral of their gay son, who committed suicide.

The play is significant, due to its topical themes about how religious institutions treat homosexual members, as well as the unreported --thought to be significant -- numbers of gay and lesbian youth from conservative cultures thought to commit suicide.


Blogger Ken said...

Great portrait. It is very Lehmann-esk

See his work at

7:56 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

The tree and the gravestones really remind me of Six Feet Under.

But the light is great. You couldn't have asked for better clouds either.

7:18 PM  
Blogger Chris Detrick said...

Thank you for the comments. The light was really sweet and I did have Six Feet Under in the back of my mind when I shot this. Luckily the actors were willing to wait until the light was perfect to make this picture.

7:32 PM  

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