My LIfe at f/22: Moab | Arches

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Moab | Arches

Ash and I took a quick two-day trip down to southeastern Utah to mountain bike in Moab and hike in Arches National Park. The slick rock was incredible to bike on-a true mountain biker's paradise. The trails did kick my butt, but it was worth every minute.

At Arches, we hiked in The Fiery Furnace- a labyrinth of narrow sandstone canyons and fins. This relatively small area is one of the most incredible and spectacular places in the park. Of course, we also saw the delicate arch. If you are ever in Utah, this is worth the 4 hr drive from Salt Lake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, we must definitely go mountain biking next time i'm out there. that looks awesome

9:43 PM  

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